Sometimes these headlines write themselves.
Broken Toilet, Continued Non-Compliance Unacceptable
A North Side sandwich shop was shut down by the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) today after inspectors found a broken toilet in the employee restroom.
Quiznos, 3658 N. Clark, also was ticketed for continued non-compliance with health regulations. (There was no certified food manager on the premises today, just as there was not at the sandwich shop’s last inspection on June 9.)
Today’s visit by CDPH inspectors was a routine, unannounced inspection.
Quiznos will remain closed until it has fixed its plumbing problem and passed re-inspection.
The enforcement action was the second time in 2009 that Health Department inspectors have shut a food establishment for violations of the Chicago Health Code. Representatives from Quiznos will have to explain themselves at a February 19 hearing and pay fines expected to total $1,000.
Chicagoans who believe that a restaurant or any other licensed food establishment is operating in an unsafe manner are encouraged to report it by calling 311 or visiting