February 9, 1993
Bianco‘s triumphal
return gets a resounding second from this viewer/ reader who also laments
the eight-month news void that the boob
tube couldn’t fill.
The mindless Mickey Mouse
channel that calls itself a “24-hour news source” gave us five-second
weather reports alternating with 10-second repeats of day-old
headlines. If they were publishing a newspaper, they’d print it on a match-book
cover. Out by the parkway, they filled their “expanded newscasts”
with tendentious TV schedules, reports on male
impotency and a medical
analysis of liver spots.
Down in the city’s high-rent
district, they backed up their parade of talking
heads with minimum-wage leg men.
All the while, of course, each station trumpeted its claim to having received
awards for the best newscast ever aired here. Which reminds me of the truth of
the old saying: “In
the valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”
[JJ Letters] No TV is good TV