I think I would have done well in an era of vacation slideshows given in living rooms ( This is not a wheel– it’s a carousel– “It lets us travel around and around and back home again.”)
I use Vimeo instead of Kodak. And I crib music and shove as much as I can in a few minutes of time, precious time. One video per day of our recent trip to London, with a mix of the mundane and the glowing:
London, Boxing Day 2012 from Daniel X. O’Neil on Vimeo.
London, Day 2 / December 27, 2012 from Daniel X. O’Neil on Vimeo.
London, Day 3 / December 29, 2012 from Daniel X. O’Neil on Vimeo.
London, Day 4 / December 30, 2012 from Daniel X. O’Neil on Vimeo.