I’ve been meaning to post this for a while. Here’s the new CTA signage system for Station Elevator Status. I noted a couple years ago that the previous system was a little goofy because the information people need (whether they’ll be able to get out of their destination station) is not available until you get down
to the station of origin– after the person has begun their journey.
This system is better — it definitely organizes it way better and makes it more scannable — but the fundamental issue remains. In fact, most of these boards are placed at the bottom of a set of stairs.
I called 888-YOUR CTA at 4:30PM on Saturday, July 19, 2008 and pushed "2". I got a detailed message that was recorded at 2PM, and they said the next update was at 5PM.
So obviously there is a person or set of people who pay attention to updating people. Why not tweet it and publish directly to the CTA Web site?