Scared of August

Next month is when everyone in Washington D.C. takes vacation. After August comes the low-sun clear blue sky horror of early September. Here’s Frank Rich last Sunday:

So give
Mr. Chertoff credit for keeping his eye on the enemy while everyone
else in the capital is debating never-to-be-realized benchmarks for an
Iraqi government that exists in name only. Just as President Bush
ignored that August 2001 brief "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.,"
so Washington, some of its press corps included, is poised to shrug off
the August 2007 update "Al Qaeda Better Positioned to Strike the West."
The capital has been sucker-punched by the administration’s latest P.R.
offensive to prop up the fiasco in Iraq.


For all Washington’s hyperventilating about the Iraqi Parliament’s vacation plans, it’s our own government’s vacation from reality this summer that should make us very afraid.

God bless Frank Rich.



