Blog of the Year: Wild Salmon Kitchen

My wife’s aunt, Ann Barker, has been publishing the most fascinating blog I’ve read in a long, long time: Wild Salmon Kitchen. Here’s their story: are a family living in the Alaskan wilderness, harvesting wild salmon in commercial quantities during the short summer season. We love our lifestyle, and what we do. We are paid for our catch by a cannery that, contrary to the name, usually freezes our bright red salmon. We are not a lodge that hosts visitors who sport-fish, nor do we provide any commercial services to the public. Our passion is wild salmon. Our goal for this web site is to share our story and our passion, to share the recipes that feed our family in the wilderness, and to tell you about Kodiak Island and an amazing fish, Alaskan Wild Salmon.

Every post has an amazing, detailed take on what it’s like to live in thrive in their environment. Today was a how-to on making a fishing rod holder: Eldon Simonson, who had a sabbatical in Olga Bay last year, invented a rod holder with a discarded milk case, some 1-½ “ ABS pipe, and cable ties.  This holder keeps the rods in place, off the bottom and gunwales, and out of the way.  It is simple and with the addition of a small plastic tray in the bottom other tackle can also be carried.

She covers architectural detail (a review of door closures), interior design (“Floor Side of an Alaskan Cabin“), and town life. Every post has a complete, documentary-level photos of every topic she covers. I’ve learned so much about their lives (and them) by reading about and seeing the choices they’ve made in their decades.

The real joy is the food posts. I dare you to look at her take on Pirok, Russian Salmon Pie, and not want to make it (disclaimer: I am *far* from a foodie). She’s covered Bear Poop Pie or Salmonberry Crunch, berry-picking and syrup-making, and teaches you How to Make Superb Wild Salmon Caviar.

This is why blogs exist– so people far from you can tell about what they know, and make your life better.



