JJ Letters to the Editor
[JJ Letters] Musically speaking Pavarotti is a sell-out
October 21, 1994 So Pavarotti sang at the Civic Arena for 9,000 fans who paid up to $195 per ticket. Where’s he going next? The Orange Bowl? The Astrodome? Maybe they could set up chairs in the Grand Canyon at $200 a pop. It’s quite obvious that the Fat One is no longer just a…
[JJ Letters] Unleashing anger over abortion coverage
February 25, 1994 “Abortion Law Unleashed” proclaims your Feb. 15 front-page headline. Unleashed? You mean like a rabid dog is unleashed on a helpless child? Like Hitler unleashed his blitzkrieg on Poland in World War II? You sure made it sound like a lamentation instead of legislation. I haven’t studied Journalism 101-102 since college days…
[JJ Letters] Don’t mislead the unwary about the AA’s 12-step program
November 14, 1993 Bill Nist, a member of the independent gay Catholic group Dignity, is assigned an adversarial role in the article “Diocese Pushes Gay Chastity” (Nov. 1) which describes the Courage support group, a 12-step program for chaste gays. Mr. Nist holds forth with his personal opinions, sarcasm and the pithy nihilism of whatever…
[JJ Letters] Censorship or anarchy?
September 17, 1993 Fiore Mastracci spews forth the same old pietistic put-down of people that his kind disagrees with (Feedback, Sept. 10). This time, the target is protester Colleen Cooper of Clairton, who objects to “NYPD Blue” being shown in prime time on WTAE-TV, “without even seeing it,” as he sneers so self-righteously. He further…
[JJ Letters] Road deaths have dropped
March 24, 1993 Your story on traffic fine revenues in Kilbuck on Route 65 overlooked one very vital point. You reported on the large amount of money raised through the fines, the “aggressive” police officers, the West Penn AAA and its involvement, the sour grapes from the culprits who were caught speeding and other complaints…