JJ Letters to the Editor

  • [JJ Letters] O’Neill wrong on Welk

    November 4, 1990Brian O’Neill snickered and smirked his way through a column which insulted Lawrence Welk on Oct. 26. It was obviously his morally illiterate, knee-jerk reaction to Mr. Welk’s grateful government that will “splurge” $500,000 to restore Mr. Welk’s boyhood home. Lawrence Welk is a genuine American hero. For openers, he is honest, gentle,…

  • [JJ Letters] Helping Young Addicts

    July 1, 1990 Debran Rowland’s story last Sunday on addiction treatment at Brighton Woods Treatment Center is well-done and welcome. It was marred only by a misstatement or two, an undocumented "statistic" and one glaring error of omission. Speaking of adolescent addicts, Ms. Rowland states that "most of them probably won’t make it in treatment,…

  • [JJ Letters] Epigraphs

    Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name   ought never be drawn into public controversy.   –Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, 1946, Tradition #10 Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit is a Catholic University, founded by   members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, the Spiritans, and sustained  …

  • Letters to the Editor, Jack O’Neil, Sewickley

    Letters to the Editor, Jack O’Neil, Sewickley

    An experiment in hypertext enjambment annotating the full text of dozens of letters to the editor written by our father.