JJ Letters to the Editor
[JJ Letters] O’Neill wrong on Welk
November 4, 1990Brian O’Neill snickered and smirked his way through a column which insulted Lawrence Welk on Oct. 26. It was obviously his morally illiterate, knee-jerk reaction to Mr. Welk’s grateful government that will “splurge” $500,000 to restore Mr. Welk’s boyhood home. Lawrence Welk is a genuine American hero. For openers, he is honest, gentle,…
[JJ Letters] Helping Young Addicts
July 1, 1990 Debran Rowland’s story last Sunday on addiction treatment at Brighton Woods Treatment Center is well-done and welcome. It was marred only by a misstatement or two, an undocumented "statistic" and one glaring error of omission. Speaking of adolescent addicts, Ms. Rowland states that "most of them probably won’t make it in treatment,…
[JJ Letters] Epigraphs
Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy. –Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, 1946, Tradition #10 Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit is a Catholic University, founded by members of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, the Spiritans, and sustained …
Letters to the Editor, Jack O’Neil, Sewickley
An experiment in hypertext enjambment annotating the full text of dozens of letters to the editor written by our father.