
  • Upon First Seeing Filming of a Reality TV Show

    I was in Midway Airport last night traveling to Raleigh, NC on Southwest Airline Granada Films is shooting a show called “Airline“ It is based on the doings of Southwest Airlines at Midway and is to be shown on A&E I saw a sign of waiver to that effect at the airport– a blanket statement…

  • GoogObits: Jerry (OBITPOEM: BENNY WATERS)

    GoogObits: Jerry (OBITPOEM: BENNY WATERS)

    Everybody’s down on the French these days. And with good reason. But everyone’s got some redeeming qualities. Here’s to the French, everybody.



    Before I came up with the idea of GoogObits, I used to create ObitPoems, which are found poems (poems I found, not wrote) based on the text of obit snippets that seemed particulary poetic to me. This Spring I’m publishing a book called Economics, and I am serializing that book over here. Go here for the Economics table…