Lincoln Marsh
Approaching Lincoln Marsh Near Winter
All photos here: Wednesday I approached the marsh from the south while talking. Magic walk like it’s not near-fiction that we can use cell phones to talk to people far away while walking in a glorious train to trail contraption. These colors happen w/o even trying really. Ice doesn’t lie.
Lincoln Marsh, 2016: April 9, Bright Blue and Green After Morning Snow Burned Off
One of a series of posts documenting the seasonal changes of a prairie marsh in 2016. Notwithstanding a morning snow, the inevitable victory of blue and green is nigh. The green is taking over the ashen ground of the prescribed burn.
Lincoln Marsh, 2016: March 25, Bright Day, Shoots of Green After the First Burn
One of a series of posts documenting the seasonal changes of a prairie marsh in 2016. Is is to be expected, given the temperature in the 40s, and the date post (post-equinox), Spring keeps right on going on, like Anne Sexton. When I arrived I found that I had missed the first burn of the…
Lincoln Marsh, 2016: March 6, A Study in Browns
One of a series of posts documenting the seasonal changes of a prairie marsh in 2016. The marsh is all brown.
Lincoln Marsh 2016: February 20, Early Spring Bust-Out Saturday Joy
One of a series of posts documenting the seasonal changes of a prairie marsh in 2016. Sometimes I am able to convince-slash-force my offspring to accompany me in the collection of photos for this series. This was one of those times. I’m sure part of the reason is because the temperature were the 50s and it was…