Approaching Lincoln Marsh Near Winter
All photos here: Wednesday I approached the marsh from the south while talking. Magic walk like it’s not near-fiction that we can use cell phones to talk to people far away while walking in a glorious train to trail contraption. These colors happen w/o even trying really. Ice doesn’t lie.
Walking the Salt Creek Trail, Laguna Beach
Today S-L and I went for a walk and saw the native brush. Very little water. The brown burrs of a near-desert landscape.
Lincoln Marsh, 2016: April 9, Bright Blue and Green After Morning Snow Burned Off
One of a series of posts documenting the seasonal changes of a prairie marsh in 2016. Notwithstanding a morning snow, the inevitable victory of blue and green is nigh. The green is taking over the ashen ground of the prescribed burn.
Lincoln Marsh, 2016: March 25, Bright Day, Shoots of Green After the First Burn
One of a series of posts documenting the seasonal changes of a prairie marsh in 2016. Is is to be expected, given the temperature in the 40s, and the date post (post-equinox), Spring keeps right on going on, like Anne Sexton. When I arrived I found that I had missed the first burn of the…
Lincoln Marsh, 2016: March 6, A Study in Browns
One of a series of posts documenting the seasonal changes of a prairie marsh in 2016. The marsh is all brown.