• Pentagon – Military Analysts – TV Network Collusion Story is Still Nowhere

    Two Sundays ago I read pretty much the best, most researched, most stunningly dead-to-rights piece of investigative reporting that I had ever read. The New York Times, out of the blue, published "Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand", which chronicled, in a devastatingly detailed 7,000 word report, the nefarious and direct connections between what retired…

  • Blair’s Playing for the Home Team Now

    Blair, a Regular at Mass, Is Now Catholic. Welcome. (Bonus: story written by John F. Burns, the greatest war reporter of our time who seems to have made the switch to the Metro desk in London).

  • NYT Infographic

    NYT Infographic, originally uploaded by juggernautco. Here’s a pretty stunningly effective infographic from the New York Times last Sunday. The little balls next to the "bathroom-is-in-here" style images of humans represent their heads, which indicates that they are dead.

  • Anonymous & Scared

    My NYT Anonymity Project is going well– so far I’ve close to 150 unique reasons that people give in order to be granted anonymity as a source in the New York Times. One big motivation is plain old fear– a large number of the reasons indicate that people are scared shitless about what will happen…

  • Joe Nocera of the New York Times: Kicking Ass and Taking Names, as Usual

    Joe Nocera of the New York Times is one of the best journalists writing today. The fact that he is a business reporter– his beat is Wall Street, not wars or other hard news– only shines up his luster. He’s got an amazing way of absolutely decimating a subject without making it feel like a…