Pentagon – Military Analysts – TV Network Collusion Story is Still Nowhere
Two Sundays ago I read pretty much the best, most researched, most stunningly dead-to-rights piece of investigative reporting that I had ever read. The New York Times, out of the blue, published "Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand", which chronicled, in a devastatingly detailed 7,000 word report, the nefarious and direct connections between what retired…
Blair’s Playing for the Home Team Now
Blair, a Regular at Mass, Is Now Catholic. Welcome. (Bonus: story written by John F. Burns, the greatest war reporter of our time who seems to have made the switch to the Metro desk in London).
NYT Infographic
NYT Infographic, originally uploaded by juggernautco. Here’s a pretty stunningly effective infographic from the New York Times last Sunday. The little balls next to the "bathroom-is-in-here" style images of humans represent their heads, which indicates that they are dead.
Anonymous & Scared
My NYT Anonymity Project is going well– so far I’ve close to 150 unique reasons that people give in order to be granted anonymity as a source in the New York Times. One big motivation is plain old fear– a large number of the reasons indicate that people are scared shitless about what will happen…
Joe Nocera of the New York Times: Kicking Ass and Taking Names, as Usual
Joe Nocera of the New York Times is one of the best journalists writing today. The fact that he is a business reporter– his beat is Wall Street, not wars or other hard news– only shines up his luster. He’s got an amazing way of absolutely decimating a subject without making it feel like a…