
  • Economics

    Economics, originally uploaded by juggernautco. test

  • Buy “Economics” With Google Checkout

    Today I was investigating Google Checkout for a client and I signed up for it as a test. Setting up an account is the usual easy user experience we’ve come to expect from Google. No fuss, no muss. I set up a “Buy Now” button for my book, Economics. Go ahead and “Buy Now”– $10. …

  • One Thing That’s Wrong With the Gap

    Time Magazine has a story called, "What’s Wrong With The Gap?", where they try to figure out where the previously wildly successful clothes store messed up. I’ve got one anecdote: I went into the Gap– in Chicago– in January– to buy corduroys. They had none. They did have plenty of shorts, though. Good job, Gap.…

  • Tower Records Fall Down Go Boom

    So it seems that Tower Records is pretty much over. In the early-mid 90s I dealt with Tower Records alot in the context of selling them my books and starting the Firecracker Alternative Book Awards along with my book distributor, Koen Books. Tower was just getting into selling books in a big way and Koen…

  • is Getting Some Play

    I’ve been hearing more and more from lately. The other day a guy from work told me he sis a side-by-side experiment doing some search terms and found had better results than Google. Hear on Search Engine Roundtable they note a spike in referrals from as well. I’ve been impressed with their…