How I Use

  • Measuring Intensity

    As far as I can tell, at least from the pop culture perspective, the quantified self movement has lost steam. Or, more to the point, it’s become more embedded into our machine lives and less a conscious element of our own idiosyncratic expression. They quantify us and make billions by doing calculations. I think that…

  • How To Number a Notebook

    One of the essential rituals of my journal-keeping is the numbering of the pages of a new book. To me, touching each page is an incantation, invitation, prayer. Contemplate the glory and the words that will be scratched there. Time conflates and folds over and everything happens at once. I keep five types of journals at…

  • The Use of Simple Digital Tools for Communion

    Thoughts in preparation for The Impact of Digital Communication on Civic Engagement at DPLA Fest. A lot of my career has revolved around data and communications. The first civic tech tool I ever made, in 1999,  was “KillerOnThe”, a dumb notification tool that let you know, via Wireless Application Protocol, if there was a person…

  • Modifying “Hop on Pop” So As To Make the Dad Less of a Cranky Killjoy

    Modifying “Hop on Pop” So As To Make the Dad Less of a Cranky Killjoy

    I love Dr. Seuss. One time I dragged a number of pieces of furniture out of an alley and custom-finished them with cutout illustrations from Seuss books.

  • Methods for Collecting and Analyzing Information About Oneself

    Take a gander at this post over here: