Danger and Opportunity in Transparency

Here in June 2009, the word “transparency” has some real legs. It’s tossed around so often that I’d have to say it is in the running for word of the year. The problem is that it may up being a lot of storm, signifying nothing. Just might end up like 1993’s information superhighway that life and technology passes by.

There are a number of problems. In my own city, Mayor Richard M. Daley recently riffed on the topic, saying this:

“We’ve done everything here. We’re leading the way with our inspector general, office of compliance, all the things we’ve done,” Daley said. “We’re more transparent than any other government. Look at it.”

This speaking of words and publishing of Web sites and polling of communities can lead to a lot of trouble. Almost worse than not cooperating, because at least we know where we stand when faced with outrgaeous intransigence.




