How I Use: Craigslist and Flickr for Yard Sale

Dirt Devil, originally uploaded by juggernautco.

Yesterday Deirdre and I had a yard sale over at her house. We made about $165 and got rid of a lot of stuff.

We used Craigslist to post about the yard sale, to put in smaller, more targeted posts about specific items, and also to advertise a free item— a huge honkin computer hutch that is useful but bulky.

I also posted pictures of a bunch of the items on Flickr for easy viewing. I created a set called Yard Sale and also used Flickr to host extra images beyond the four that are allowed by Craigslist.


The result: about 1/2 of our sales were from Craigslist, and everything that was featured on our original yard sale post was sold to people who saw it there. The stuff we didn’t sell ended up in the alley, of course, and all of that was gone in about 2 hours. I wonder if that was from CL hawks or just a random junk guy



