I recommend Basecamp for project management and collaboration

The people over at

37 Signals

, the makers of Basecamp, have started an affiliate program. I recommend them. They certainly don’t need any more buzz than they already have, but here’s my take:

  • Not fussy. Nothing is that big of a deal on Basecamp. Everything is just sort of another thing to do. Lots of other project management or productivity software goes nuts with alarms, warnings, exceptions, etc.
  • Focus-Collaborative. It allows people to store and share and collaborate with a goal in mind (as opposed to just a weblog or wiki or message board)
  • Email-alicious. This is the killer app– email and thread-storage are the same thing. No mind-melting trope-changing copy/paste needed

I use Basecamp for managing all of my side projects, for keeping key info I need later (directions for hosting account, domain name details, etc. I also use it for storing documentation on what the hell it is that I did when I made that TypePad template that delivers just headlines on the  Category Page, for instance.

Basecamp project management and collaboration

Go get.



