Last week I received a one-line statement in my RSS reader: "The Hallwatch web site will cease operations on Thursday, February 26,
2009 at 11:59 pm." This is the end of an essential, ground-breaking Web site and I can't let it pass without praise.
As I was preparing to help launch EveryBlock Philadelphia, I did what I do in all of the cities we work in. I searched around, looking for data. When I found Hallwatch, and read the simple About page, I knew I had stumbled across something special. Here's the explanation of Hallwatch:
This site was originally intended as a resource for those who deal
with Philadelphia's City Council. It grew out of my frustration obtaining reliable
information about:
they've done with their lives, how well they did in the past election, etc.
Ed Goppelt
That's a pretty worthwhile project.
This is a place where you can find every Notice of Hearing in the Philadelphia City Council going back to December 2001. Where you can find complete text of every Bill before the Council, including "An Ordinance establishing a parking regulation on Hirst Street, west side, Arch Street to Market Street."
In short, it is a place after my own municipal obscurantists' heart. Hallwatch is a great example of what you can get if you care about what's going on with you and you're willing & able to use technology to make it better.
Thanks, Ed.